Friday, April 3, 2009

This could only happen to me . . .

I have been debating whether or not to post this for a few days now, for fear of being mocked, but Adam said I should (probably out of his own amusement). So here goes . . .

This past Wednesday was Molly's 5th birthday. So, of course, we needed to celebrate. Adam and I took her shopping to pick out her own birthday toy, and then we stopped by the grocery store to make a yummy steak dinner (Molly did not get her own steak, but she did get a couple of bites of our steaks) in celebration. We all loaded up in the car and headed out to the Petco and Acme. On our way there I said to Adam that I thought I might like a glass of wine with dinner and could we stop by the packie (side bar: liquor stores in CT are called package stores, packie is short for package store)? Adam obliged.

Now, if you know me, you know that pretty much anytime I leave the house with Adam I bring nothing with me. He always has keys and a wallet and he always drives so I don't need anything. As we pulled into the parking lot at the packie, I realized I did not have my wallet. Adam gave me some cash and said it would be fine. Of course, I thought, surely now that I am in my 30s I can buy a bottle of wine without ID.


When I got to the register, the guy behind looked at me and said, "ID?" I calmly explained that I had left it at home, but I assured him I was over 21. 31 to be exact, born in '77. He looked at me very skeptically, then another employee walked by. "Waddya think Lou, she says she's 31?" Lou disagreed, unless I had ID no sale. Sigh.

The guy at the register asked if I drove to the store. I replied that my husband was in the car waiting for me. He said, "Well, if your husband is with you, bring him in."

I dejectedly went back out to the car. Adam rolled down the window to find out what went wrong.

"They don't believe that I am 31, and they won't sell me a bottle of wine without my husband present."

I seriously thought he might fall out of the car laughing.

Eventually I coaxed him out of his hysterics and, giggling the whole time, he accompanied me to the register to purchase my bottle of wine. And, of course, the guy behind the counter did NOT check Adam's ID. I was so thoroughly embarrassed.

Red faced I returned home, where I had TWO glasses of wine.

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