It will be nice to fondly remember our trip.
I will first start by going back to zoo day when Serena was desperately trying to take photos of the pandas and really only shooting the ground next to the panda. Enter Louie, such a great dad just trying to help get the best picture. He very calmly pleads with Serena to let him hold the camera so he can make sure it is on all the right settings. This went on for, oh, 3 minutes or so. Serena would NOT let that camera out of her hands. And every time Louie asked he was met with "No! You're just gonna mess it up! I've got it! I know what I am doing!" Literally. He finally gave up. I had a hard time not laughing.
I mention this because just last week Max (the son of my Technical Director and Costume Shop Manager) came to work (he had pink eye-but just a little bit as he explained to me). Max is one week younger than Serena, and just as intelligent (they are both super sharp kids). He was on his way to lunch with Dad and Barney. Glenn (Dad) calmly asked him to leave Barney at the theatre so nothing would happen to him. He was basically met with the same response from Max that Serena had given to her father. Although instead of "You're just gonna mess it up!" he got "Mom said I could bring Barney. And she is right, and you are WRONG!" Again, I had a hard time not laughing. Anyway, just a little story to let Louie know that he is not alone out there.
Back to DC: We got up early on Sunday morning (well, early for Adam and me). And again enjoyed some yummy coffee while being entertained by Serena. Deb cooked breakfast on Saturday, so Louie made some of his world famous omelets on Sunday. Yum. We ate until we were stuffed, Serena shared some of my omelet.
This time our after breakfast program was Disney story about how Tinkerbell came to be. It really wasn't that bad (although Adam's and my favorite part is when the squirrell gets beaned in the head and cries, and not when Tinkerbell saves Spring). And the fairy that ushers in the music of spring reminds us of one of our favorite costume designers.
After our movie we got ourselves dressed and headed outside so Serena could teach me how to ride a bike. At 3 and a half, she knows pretty much everything. It's good to have her around in case you come accross something unknown.
Safety is very important, and you canNOT ride a bike without a helmet (Serena told me this, so it HAS to be true). I, of course, did not bring my bike helmet with me, and Serena was unwilling to lend hers to me (because she needed it--safety first). She did suggest that perhaps I borrow one of her hats. So, my head safely ensconced in a Pooh hat, I took my first bike riding lesson from a 3 year old (oops 3 and a half).
After a fantastically informative demonstration from Serena it was my turn.
I was a little big for the bike, but I don't think it is noticeable. Do you?
I will also say now, that Adam was too chicken to take a bike riding lesson from Serena. You big Weenie!
We sure did work up an appetite riding that bike, so we hopped in the car and headed over to Panera.
Sadly after lunch we had to head back to Philly. But we had a great weekend, and now it is their turn to visit us!
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