Anyway, it is no secret that Molly LOVES to run. When I go running outside I take her with me, and she has a blast. When Adam and I take her to the dog park she does nothing but run and chase all the ball dogs (they chase the balls and she chases them-she cares not for balls). Bill (Adam's Dad) takes her to a big off leash park and she and Riley run like crazy. And the whole time she is running she has the BIGGEST, GOOFIEST grin on her face (see photo for goofy grin). She loves it!
She was out running in the park one day, and well, she's a dog, not a rocket scientist (it's the Lab in her). I'm sure she was running and not paying attention and tripped over something or stepped in a hole, or any number of dumb things, thus creating a little tear.
We now have two options:
1) glucosamine treatments (yup just like you see on those arthritis commercials) and strict rest forever. This means no running-yuck!
2) glucosamine treatments and surgery (yuck for mom and dad's wallet)
Either way she will most likely be on glucosamine treatments for the rest of her life. Apparently this is rather common for athletic dogs.
Last night I went to give her the evening dose, and she was unhappy but had clearly swallowed. I usually take my hands away from her face keeping them nearby as a test. If she hasn't yet swallowed her pill she will take this opportunity to spit it back out. She was done-good job, now she gets a treat. She sat pretty for me as I loaded her kong. I gave it to her and turned my back as she ran off to enjoy her treat. A couple minutes later Adam pointed to the unswallowed pill on the floor. THAT SNEAKY LITTLE DOG hid the pill in her mouth and FAKE swallowed to trick me! I couldn't believe it. I have to admit I was as impressed at her craftiness as I was upset that she outsmarted me (that's the Pit in her).
I don't know maybe she is a rocket scientist after all. I clearly have underestimated her craftiness.
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