Anyway, back in September my folks asked if they could come for a visit in December. I found this very exciting as we rarely get to see each other during the holiday season (them being in Texas and all). Adam found this to be ever so slightly frightening as our guest room was only half way finished. We realized we needed to kick it in high gear if we were going to have a place for them to sleep in December.
This is how our guest room started out when we moved into our house:
Back in April I wrote a blog post while I was demo-ing the closet and ceiling. Here's a shot sans closet and sans ceiling.

The two outer walls and the ceiling did not have any insulation, so this room was mighty cold in the winter time. Although I did find a good deal of shredded newspapers from the early 80s that some animal used to make a nest. That was fun!
Then in July as we were planning our birthdays I asked Adam what he would like to do for his birthday. His response was to drywall the guest room. Really? On your birthday? He insisted, so far be it from me to go against someone's birthday wishes. Off we went to the Depot. Here's a shot of the room ready for drywall.
We got all our drywall and got it loaded in and ready to work. (PS--Drywall is HEAVY!) We started with the ceiling first, like you do. We got the first sheet almost in place (it is hard trying to hold drywall over your head while standing on a ladder. Adam just needed to adjust it a little by hammering it into a tight corner (there are very few 90 degree angles in our house). And BAM!! he smashes his finger and it explodes like a cherry tomato. There's blood everywhere and a lot of cursing and me, still trying to hold a sheet of drywall over my head while standing on a ladder. . .
Needless to say, Adam has had better birthdays. But he persevered (and then drank many cold beers) and we got the drywall up. Here is the room primed and ready for paint.
The room now has its first coat of paint. It has been temporarily turned into our closet/dressing room. We have moved into Adam's studio while we redo the sun room and our bedroom. More big things to come (with pictures too). But that's for another post . . .
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