Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So . . .I met the mayor

I have touting Molly's excellent listening skills as of late. We have been letting her wander around our unfenced backyard off leash. And she has been particularly well behaved, immediately listening and responding when we point out that she is wandering too far. Adam and I have been very impressed (and we tell her this often).

Adam has been saying all along that this will only last until she is distracted by something. I have always disagreed. "She's our little (read: giant) angel. She'll always listen." Famous last words right.

I opened the door this past Sunday and she saw a cat and off she went. She loves to chase cats, but she never catches any, and she is afraid of the ones who do not run from her. She went right out of the yard and down the street, where she was kindly stopped by a lovely woman wearing some hip red glasses (kind of like the ones my mom wears). She let me know that Molly was chasing her cat. I apologized and thanked her for stopping Molly and explained that she is actually quite harmless (although this woman did not seem to be afraid of her).

She introduced herself as Jane Young and we talked briefly about how we just moved in and how great our house is, but how much work we have to do on it. Then she let me know that she was the Mayor. We had been told that she lives on our street.

Great! Of all the cats to chase down the street Molly picked the Mayor's. Of course she would, if she's gonna do anything wrong she'll make sure she is fully committed to the task.

So, now I have to ammend all my statements about how good she listens and how well behaved she is, and hope that the mayor is a very forgiving one.

Oh well, I guess I can take comfort in knowing that the Mayor's cat can pretty much always out run Molly, and if she ever decided to stop running and put up a fight . . .she could probably beat up my wimpy dog.

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